Stedelijk Museum on how to Think Differently
Stedelijk Museum is one of the mayor tone-setting musea in The Netherlands. Great artists are exhibited here, from Andy Warhol to Pablo Picasso. Personally, I love the Friday night sessions Stedelijk Museum offers:
Stedelijk Museum’s Relationship Manager Businesses & Sponsoring, Anna Kesler, explains art’s added value for business relationships:
“After the crises, businesses have a bigger need for relationship management than ever. In relationship management you want to inspire, give enrichment, and stimulate internal satisfaction. Art is a natural choice in fulfilling those needs.
People also contemplate the “WHY” more after the crisis. Art supports this contemplation, because art invokes asking new questions, view every day situations from another perspective, and makes you think differently.
A museum like Stedelijk provides a public podium where people come and form opinions based on this different view. Businesses obviously want to be associated with this renewal.”